About Edie
What’s Edie Up To?

Edith A. Clark (Edie) is a public health professional. She has a B.A. in English, an M.S. in biostatistics and epidemiology, and years of experience as a writer, a data analyst, and administrator in the public health, medical, academic, and corporate communities. She continues working in the public health arena and is currently circulating a survey on attitudes and trends involving human sexuality.
For the past several years Edie has also begun writing fiction and, to a lesser extent, creative nonfiction — writing two novels (Raju and Deborah) — and several short stories, as well as a nonfiction article and a short piece of creative nonfiction. In 2014 she placed in the Writer’s Digest “Magazine and Feature Articles” category for her story “Kachidoki Maru” about a mysterious Japanese ghost ship, and was awarded first place in “Slippery Elm’s” creative writing contest for her short story “Singing Grass.” She also won 2nd place from Neoglyphic Entertainment for her short story “Night Insects,” about a young guerrilla fighter named Raju who joins the Philippine resistance during World War II. This short story was adapted from one chapter in Edie’s full-length historical novel, The Silent Soldier. Night Insects was published by Neoglyphic Entertainment in an anthology entitled Threads, which is currently available from Amazon.
In general, Edie likes to draw from her experiences and memories of life in the Upper Midwest, an inclination that becomes manifest in the textures, colors, and attitudes that provide the background and personalities for much of her fiction. No account of her background would be complete if it didn’t reference her many experiences with a wide variety of animals. As the daughter of a zoologist, Edie grew up with snakes, horses, dogs, birds, tortoises, and hives of bees. She helped harvest honey from her family’s hives, collected eggs from her family’s chickens, and helped to raise a baby crow that had fallen from his nest. Edie lives on the edge of Lake Michigan’s windward shore in a house that was purchased by her great grandmother in 1903. She reads, writes, takes long walks, and spots bald eagles as they glide over Lake Michigan. She also makes wheel-thrown pottery, bicycles, and raises Monarch butterflies.